Friday, May 15, 2009

Comments on "Remember Freedoms?" Post

I could not agree with you more, to spend money on studying gay men in bar is absolutely ridiculous. I mean who cares, all this shows is how stupid our government really is, and especially in times like these where our economy isn't the best in the world. If your gonna due a study like this, why not at least do it in America? All the government is doing is spending more money trying to fly these experts to Argentina, which is just a really random location to me. The real issue is, why am I paying for it? I haven't heard of any rise in AIDS/HIV in these past months, i mean not anymore than usual. I understand that the AIDS/HIV virus is a serious problem, and i hope maybe someday we will find some kind-of cure,but, I just don't understand what's the point of researching drunk gay men in a bar. It's not like they are gonna be able to stop them from having sex with one another, I mean that's their individual freedom, and I'm sure they are aware of the risk they take while having sex with one another, regardless if their drunk

Friday, May 8, 2009

Commentary On National Government

Well i wanna discuss gas prices this week, gas has gone up to 2.8 cents overnight and has risen our new national average $2.169 a gallon. Now, people have already started complaining about this new increase, but compared to a year ago, when a barrel of gas was a staggering $150 dollars and costing us Americans and myself around $4 at the pump, $2.16 is not all that bad. I will admit, that gas did increase 12.2 cents more than last month and that kind-of makes me worry, especially now that it's becoming summer time, and it will continue to increase a little more than usual in the coming months. We all know that gas will increase forever, it's just a part of life, when people fifty years ago were paying 50 cents for their gas, they never dreamed of paying a dollar, let alone two dollars for gas, but as time goes on, gas will increase and it will never stop. Ok, it might slow down when they develop flying cars and are solar powered, then gas should go down, but i'm sure the government will start charging for the use of THE Sun, because that's just what our government does.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Commentary to Blissful Ignorance's Post

You are absolutely correct, the United States economy is going down the toilet and Iraq's economy is sky rocketing to the moon. We need to worry about our own problems and let Iraq deal with theirs. I just dont see what kind of gain we can achieve from helping Iraq, but we all know that our government is gonna want "Something" in return for helping them out, I honestly believe that's the only reason we are still in Iraq, their is something that our government wants that Iraq has. I'll take a shot in the dark and say "oil?" We spend way to much money in a country that absolutely hates us, and wants us out anyway. Their are people who have no jobs, no money and no way of supporting their families but you wanna worry about a country that is thousands of miles away and looks as if their is no sign of anything getting better, now we got some problems.We vote for the President to get stuff done in this country, not for what does in another country.

Commentary to Blissful Ignorance's Post

You are absolutely correct, the United States economy is going down the toilet and Iraq's economy is sky rocketing to the moon. We need to worry about our own problems and let Iraq deal with theirs. I just dont see what kind of gain we can achieve from helping Iraq, but we all know that our government is gonna want "Something" in return for helping them out, I honestly believe that's the only reason we are still in Iraq, their is something that our government wants that Iraq has. I'll take a shot in the dark and say "oil?" We spend way to much money in a country that absolutely hates us, and wants us out anyway. Their are people who have no jobs, no money and no way of supporting their families but you wanna worry about a country that is thousands of miles away and looks as if their is no sign of anything getting better, now we got some problems.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Leave The Middle East

I believe that the United States Government should leave Iraq, I say this because it doesnt feel like we are getting anything accomplished over there and things are not looking better. We've spent so much amount of effort and money, but it still seems like everything almost exactly the same. Now grant it we were able to make a few changes but it has not change the foundation of the way the people think over there. Right now we need to focus on our own problems and stop trying to police the world, the current econmy right now in Afganistan is uproaring while ours is spiraling downward, we spend about eight million dollars in one day, that money should going to our economy and not to theirs. I understand trying to help, but what happens when we leave? They have to be able to take care of their own people, and not just the politcal leaders but also the citizens of Afganistan, i know i sound selfish but we need to take care of ourselves before we help anyone else. Like the old saying goes "You are your brothers keeper." To be honest i believe we have a certain hidden objective because i dont think we would have spent this much time and money into a trying to free them and not want something in return, i'll take a shot in the dark maybe "oil?" I mean that would seem like the most logical thing to obtain from the middle east because their isin't really anything else of significant importance. Like i said earlier we should leave the middle east as soon as possible and conetrate on our own prombles and not try police the world, but then again we've done it for almost a hundred and fifty years and i dont think were gonna stop anytime soon

Friday, March 27, 2009

Crticism #2

Ali Frick writes about Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) being called a "kook" for starting false conspiracy theories about how the U.S. was moving toward a unified global currency. The myth started when China's central bank govenor suggested replacing the dollar as the world's reseverve currency.President Obama was asked how he felt about the idea, he said" i dont really care for the idea." Bachmann went onto Glenn Beck's radio show, she said "we be giving up the dollar as our currnecy and just go with a One world currency. "Such action, she warned, would mean the U.S. as a country would be no more." This editorial is intended to be for everyone who is intrested on what's going with thier government, and if nobody has heard about Michele Bachmann and who she is, they probaly just think of one crazy ass white woman. As far as the authors credibilty he seems like he knos what he is talking about, i can only conclude by the fact that he has done his research on Michele Bachmann and having actuall quotes from her. The claim is just to show on edge people are becoming over something that is never gonna happen, and as you can see its turning our own senators into mindless zombies, but maybe that just Micehele Bachmann.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Opinion Critique

This week I'm doing a critique of a editorial written by Paul Krugman of The New York Times, in his editorial he is talking about the new budget and the speech that President Obama had on Thursday. I believe the intended audience of this article is pretty much everyone, because this new budget effects all of us in someway or another. It was meant to be read by Americans who are intrested in their government, and would like to further understand what this new budget will do and effect their everyday lives. As far as Mr. Krugman's credbility i honestly do not know how credible he is, but on a guess i think he seems like he knows what he's talking about, i felt very informed after i read his article and thought he did a great job.
Mr. Krugman really likes what the President is trying to accomplish in his new budget, he espically likes that over the next decade the budget allocates $634 billion dollars toward health reform and $645 billion dollars in revenue in from the sale of emission allowances after years of denial and delay from former President Bush. I totally agree with him on this because health insurance is by far the most important thing in this country and it's sad to know that millions of people still don't have health insurance. The $634 billion is nowhere near enough for Health insurance, but its a very good start for the Obama administration. Mr. Krugman also believes with this new budget that Obama can make good on his promise to cut the national debt from 1.75 trillion this year to less than a third as much in 2013, now on this i'm not quite sure but i have faith in Obama to get us out of this foxhole but then again 1.75 trillion dollars is also ALOT of money. Mr. Krugman shows a good attitude toward the President and believes what he is trying to do is for the best, he does wish the President would have gone into more detail as far what he was goning to do with the budget. He understands that things aren't going to change overnight but thats okay, he say's as long as were going foward we'll make out of this in no time.

Friday, February 13, 2009

More Trouble In the Middle East

This article was written by Richard Oppel Jr., Abdul Waffa and Sangar Rahimi of the New York Times, they wrote about an attack that just happen this past week in Afghanistan.

On Wednesday, Taliban suicide bombers and gunman put together a very complex and well coordinated attack against government buildings in Afghanistan. The attack that killed about twenty people and wounded fifty-seven more and showed how easy Taliban forces could penetrate the heavily guarded buildings in Afghanistan's capitol. All eight of the bombers and gunman were killed in the struggle, but the U.S military say's that they didn't do a good enough job of tracking ten's of thousands of weapons they brought to the Afgan forces, leaving the idea that they might have been stolen or sold to Taliban Forces.

You can read the complete article here:

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